Home Trading Trading Instruments XAUUSDe

Chart of XAUUSDe

0.1 (+46.90%)
Supply/demand: 2577.62/2577.77
Day range: 2587.9639/2580.0729
Spread: -
Close: 2582.6512
Open: 2581.3954
Supply/demand: 2577.62/2577.77
Day range: 2587.9639/2580.0729
Spread: 0.1
Close: 2582.6512
Open: 2581.3954
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This is the most popular spot contract on the market. XAU/USD is a practical trading instrument with a great liquidity and volatility appealing to traders. Over a long period, a bearish trend has been dominating the market, but analysts predict a strong reversal. That’s why now is the right time to enter long-term positions for XAU/USD.
The biggest difficulty in trading this spot contract lies in the necessity to analyze a wide range of various factors: employment levels, inflation and GDP in the US, changes in oil prices, EUR/USD behavior. However, despite all the difficulties, it’s an actually viable trading instrument that can generate profit. Some experts think that XAU/USD is more suitable for conservative trading with large deposits.

How to make money XAUUSDe

  1. Register and open an account.

  2. Deposit using any convenient method. Verify your phone number before you start trading to secure your account.

  3. Install a trading terminal or trade directly in your browser.

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